In some kingdom, in some state, the king and queen lived. They were kind to the subjects and raised a glorious son, but never got along with their family – it was painfully unkind relatives. Once, when the prince went on a sea journey, the king’s greedy brother, named Claudius, and his assistant Polonium killed the royal family. The medieval Cain captured the throne and in gratitude granted his faithful comrade almost unlimited power. But the fratricide turned out to be little deed – in addition to everything, he decided to marry the girlfriend of the prince, Ophelia.
Hearing about the tragedy, the prince instantly returned to the kingdom, exposed the blade and was ready to enter into an unequal battle, something blazed in the sky, and a strange apparatus fell on his head. Hamlet lost consciousness, and a small man with a bulb on the crown appeared from a flying saucer-a researcher from the future who confused something during the experiments and was in the wrong place and at the wrong time. Now he will have to be even with Claudius and save Ophelia, but before – put in place the body of Shakespeare, which made several unimaginable somersaults in the coffin after everything that happened ..
The power of thought
How could you realize the tragedy of Hamlet into the game? Either to puff something very, very serious, but with a great risk of failure, or follow in the footsteps of American McGa and give out something bright and unusual. The second option seemed much more attractive, and he drew a pretty quest in which everything in the history of the Danish kingdom is turned upside down.
Local Polonia settled in a mechanized castle, walks in a spacesuit and only remotely resembles a person, more like a more like orc from the “Lord of the Rings”. Claudius is a classic pumped up, unshaven and generally brutal villain who plays metal on stage, Ophelia is a blonde from jokes, and the Laerte is a great-cereal who devours everything that he will reach. What is there, even the skull of poor Yorik is lying in a cage in the machine department of the Polonia fortress, and Rosencrantz and Guildensterns are a couple of pirates that fight with a giant pink octopus.
And against the background of all of them is the main character who barely gets to the enemies to the waist and is completely unsuitable for the battles. How to restore justice and correct your mistake? Only by the power of thought – to solve the problems at each of the twenty -five levels in order to ultimately defeat Claudius and reunite Ophelia with Hamlet.
There is practically nothing from an ordinary quest-no inventory, collection of objects or something like that. There is a room, there is a goal, and there is only one way to achieve it, however, is not always obvious – sometimes you should delve into the thoughts of the ward to find a way out.
Almost all objects at the level can be used, and the hero does not need to be brought to them – there is enough click by the mouse. Pull the crane hanging over the head? Please! Make a bird fly from one place to another? Yes, no question! You can even play a game with death, go fishing in a belly of huge fish, grow ivy in a few seconds, break a huge octopus and arrange wild jumps, clinging to the tail of Claudia’s mare, – the developer did not skimp on fantasy.
Not all answers to riddles will be easily given – some will have to fight for half an hour over some, before the thought remains in the head that it would be necessary to abstract from all cliches. Then there will be a right solution – for example, to move away from the monitor to see a whole picture, or spit on a Mendeleev table for a much more simple exit.
However, there are a couple of moments in Hamlet, which literally get out of themselves. In some places, you need to press it very quickly to objects to advance further, and when five, ten, twenty times, nerves begin to take, and not the most pleasant expressions pop up in my head. At such moments, neither a pretty picture in the style of a comic book, nor good music are pleased.
But only hardships will remain behind how the final of the game is suitable – you can go through it in an hour maximum if you do not get stuck for a long time at the riddles. And it’s a pity, because a big adventure of a little man is a great warm -up for the brain that I want to stretch longer. Well, if you have any problems-do not be shy, look into the leadership that we have prepared for you.
Verdict: Shakespeare, of course, never dreamed that they could create this with his tragedy, but it turned out really cool. The story of an alien from the future who fell on the head of Hamlet and should return everything to his own circles – one of the most striking and unusual quests of the last time.
Chapter I
In which Polonius decides to give his daughter Ophelia to marry Claudia. And the hero has no choice but to penetrate the castle of Polonia and free Ophelia ..
So, our nameless hero is facing the fortress of Polonia. Go through the gate is a dead number, so you have to look for another entrance. For example, through a hatch under the window on the left. But you still need to reach him, but how? Now, if there were also ivy there … But it's not a problem! Put the weather arrow in the shower mode – two clouds appear, one of which hung above the ivy. We click on it, it begins to rain, and a flower blooms on the plant. The first part of the plan was a success!
Now we set up the mechanism in good weather – the sun peeps and the bird flies, which we ask one click to transfer closer to the ivy. We get the seed from the flower, the bird grabs it and flies to its place, exactly under the siren. Turn on it – from fear, the beak is revealed, the grain falls to the ground and takes on the roots. It remains only to pour it with selected rain from the cloud – and that’s all, welcome to the castle of Polonia!
And here is all that remains of poor Yorik is a skull in a cage in some strange room. We pull the hook on the left – it disappears, and two hooks appear in the right corner. Click on the left-again some metamorphoses, and a couple of hooks arise in the left corner. Now we press the right, the cell finally rises, and the hero can continue the path. The main thing is not to forget to climb the stairs and press the lever. However, it is difficult to miss it – the pink pen is striking.
Choose a password to go further? Let's try, especially since there are pieces of paper with prompts on the floor-well, or something like them. It seems that Polonius built a protective system from the Mendeleev table, but was too lazy to come up with something original: we introduce PA-S-W-O-RD, and a green light lights up on the door. But it wasn’t there-the villain was not at all happy to the guest and presses the red button.
This would have ended with the journey of a little hero if the spider had not appeared in the upper left corner, which needs to be closed so that he would make his way into the shield. Now we tear off the red wire, click the green button and enjoy the bewilderment.
The battle of the day is coming: a freak in a spacesuit hung Ophelia over the abyss and every now and then beats the hero with a shock of a gun. We click on a cage with a girl twice – she falls into a moat, but nothing will come up. It is much more important that the button that turns off the electric weapon is now visible now. Polonium is forced to pick up a bomb, and you need to quickly press it to make the explosion. Now, when the bastard is in the knockdown, it's time to turn the gun in his direction and shy well with current. Finita la comedy, old man!
Chapter II
In which the hero makes an underwater trip to save Ophelia ..
The cell with Ophelia was stuck at the bottom, but in order to get closer to the lady of the heart, you need to deal with piranha. However, why do something yourself when you can open a diving costume in which a large fish is probably hiding? So it is! But on the way of our ward there was an underwater mine. What to do? Perhaps there is not enough crab that could have a bite to eat a chain with claws. And since it is not enough – let it materialize from the thoughts of the hero. Great – here she is, the long -awaited meeting, and … no, unfortunately, do not kiss.
A huge fish emerged from the bowels of the ocean and swallowed a couple. Apparently, she eats everything in a row: a trio of penguins gathered here and there is a lonely house, from which a powerful snoring comes from, if you open the shutters. I should wake this person – you never know, suddenly help. The main thing is to call the bell in time, to guess the moment when snoring calms down.
It happened! An old man appears from the house who is ready to fish. We pull the fishing rod when he starts to peck, and grandfather will pull the fish. Immediately you need to clat on the penguin so that he grabs the food and go to the house. We repeat this three times – until all the birds disappear, and their stand will not pop up. Ba, yes this is the Ophelia cell!
Now you have to free it, breaking the castle. What a strange cipher – the sun with various grimaces and a very strange set of letters. But what if they mean emoticons that we are so used to using? So it is! And what, not so difficult.
It would be nice to get out of hell, but where without a card? The “evacuation plan” is cut into small pieces, and even not everything is available – you need to wait until the old fisherman puts them on the board. Well, then is a matter of technology, but make sure that the lines are fixed correctly.
So they got out, but where they got? Some ditch with two guns and scene. We click on the curtain with the crown – behind it is Claudius, who begins his heavy solo on the guitar. The task is to make it be fashed up, but it will be necessary for this to press the speed that appears near the villain. Get ready for the fact that it will turn out from the tenth once at least, and try to draw in symbols meaningfully.
As soon as the fratricard understands that the music is not his vocation, he will hide behind the screen, and he will throw away the guitar. She will please the old man in the head and sink him. Open the curtain again-Claudius porges over some potion, droplets are dripping from the tap on top. You need to drop something into this boiler, but what?
The answer is in the gun on the left – there is a small yellow rubber duckling, which after a couple of presses is sent to the desired address and arranges a small Armageddon to the king. Unfortunately, he does not die-the guard is raising from all sides, they steal offelia, and the hero is disabled, they are tied and hidden in the hold of some ship.
Chapter III
In which the hero will have to raise a riot on the ship and return back to the kingdom!
The kid is connected and unconscious, and in thoughts complete porridge. What is not there: geometric figures, hieroglyphs, card suit, numbers, some bizarre drawings … No, you need to definitely put your head in order, and urgently urgently!
There is a gun in the box on the right, which can be shot in the head in the head – to no avail. Maybe a couple more times? Or throw a few cores from the barrel from above for fidelity? It does not help. Although, wait, it seems, the hero begins to gradually recover: in his thoughts formula 2 x 2 = 5 appeared. It would be necessary to correct it, but how? Obviously there is not enough someone who could help.
There is a small hole in the left barrel on the left – there is a mouse that will run towards the gun as soon as you notice it. At the same time, he will touch the barrel, and it will go to the ceiling – just at that moment it is worth shooting. A monkey will jump out of the hole, which will begin to rush into the prisoner with bottles.
Now it's time to fix the formula: each core that has fallen from the barrel increases or reduces the result of multiplication by two, and each bottle – by one unit. Get the right equality, after which the hero will jump and drop off the shackles.
But this is not all-Monkey offers to play in some kind of outlandish card game. Instead of ordinary cards, there are diamonds, scissors and paper. Nothing reminds? True, here is a variation on the topic of a popular children's game. Win with a woolen friend all the money, he will return to the hole in the ceiling and lower the staircase. It's time to go upstairs!
The hero falls into the hold, where a large load blocks the passage to him. Click on it – it will rise, and our researcher climbs the stairs. We lower the pile of boxes again, stand on it and soak up, on the deck.
Everything seems to be calm. What is the catch? Ah here, in a giant pink octopus! With one tentacle, he grabs the character, two others stick out of the water and are looking for a new goal. Come on, we poke in his eye! Squirges, rubs. Now in another – the same. Let's try both at once? Excellent, vigilance is lost, but the hero is still in a limited state.
I urgently need to figure out how to remove one tentacle. Maybe something useful was lying in the hold? We pull the crane until the gun appears, then we shoot – the octopus lowers one “hand”. Now we repeat the trick with the eyes and quickly make our legs.
It was not possible to run away far – at the helm of the guard, Rosencrantz and Guildensster, who jokingly fight off a huge monster. Rosencrantz does not store the sword in the sheath, but in deck boards – this can be used. Under the mast there are just a gate behind which the steering wheel control panel is hidden – we move it to the left, the pirate leaves its post and weapons, and the octopus uses the moment and dumps the defenseless courtier.
The turn of Guildenster came. Here you need to shone a little. To begin with, we return the helm to the place and scroll it so that the rocket attached to it is aimed towards the enemy. Boom! The enemy is unconscious, and the pink giant knows very well what to do.
It's time to return!
Chapter IV
In which the hero returns to the royal castle Elsinor to still punish Claudius and free the abducted Ophelia ..
The evil king took care of his own safety: almost all approaches to the fortress are guarded, but there is a little chance to break through if you go in a roundabout way. This picture shows which road it is better to use.
Well, we approached the castle, but the entrance under the supervision of the guards. However, there are so many people on the square that the guards will not notice if some kind of goner accidentally goes inside. True, before that you will have to play hide and seek a little – the hero will try to get lost in the human mass, and you can find it on a sticking light bulb or the tip of the nose.
Finally the ward and penetrated inside. But Claudius learned another thing: he turned the passage to his chambers into a maze, in which it is easy to get lost. Two exits lead out of each room, but not one of them will abandon the next room. You can calculate the system for a long time and tedious, but you can check everything by pumpk: you need to go to the right to the right, right again, then left, right to the right and again to the left.
But this is not the end – there is a password on the door to the bedroom, and not digital: in four windows you need to choose the right geometric figure. And what to do? Take a little from the monitor and carefully consider the background. In the top left is a square, from below – a triangle. Right at the top – plus, from below – square. Welcome!
It's strange what is so dark in the room? Turn on the light and get acquainted with Laert, son Polonia. He overtook his daddy in everything, especially in growth and gluttony. We send a lamp to his mouth – a line of three objects shifts. Now we throw the extreme right thing into the giant (most likely it will be an aquarium), and the lamp returns to its rightful place. We connect it to the outlet, carry out a three -point … bravo, laur is defeated!
Chapter V
In which the villains must be defeated, and the heroes are rewarded. But to be or not to be a happy end?
The frightened Claudius grabs Ophelia, jumps into the saddle and is about to make legs (or rather, hooves), as our ward lands on the tail of the mare. You can jump for hours – the landscape will still not change, and the destination will not come from neither the iot. The thoughts of a girl who heard somewhere that horses do not distinguish flowers will help to solve the problem.
Now we dig in the head of an unpaired chop: one after another, four clumsy pictures are replaced, on which there is always one blind spot. We clat on it, and the hero learns that they are heading into the secret shelter of Claudia.
But it’s so easy not to get there, the entrance blocked a huge gate. And not alone – there are fifty of them here. We torment the mouse until a boxing glove on the spring appears from the door and kill the hero. Stop, as it will "kill"?!
But that is. The kid was an audience with his very death, which is completely sure that his time has not yet come – it is necessary to find the hourglass and reinforce the events back.
To pull them into the light, you need to observe the ladies with a scythe behind the eyes – they change their color after pressing the drum on which the researcher stands. Each part of it symbolizes a separate color, which one – see the picture.
Finally the clock – a small pebble hit the hole and stopped the course of time. The dashed shooter twitches back and forth, offering us to get rid of interference. Typically, its cycle consists of four movements, but sometimes the fifth appears (between the third and fourth) – just at that moment you need to press on a stone. Great, the resurrection succeeded!
The moment of the decisive battle has come. Claudius stands in a dark room next to the torture apparatus of impressive sizes and is ready to fight. Whoever comes out with a sword against us, he will die from him – he will have to kill the king with his own weapon.
We pull the lever, a target is protruded from the mechanism for a split second – you need to get into it. If you succeeded, then the circular saw will work, behind which another goal is hidden, smaller. We clat on it – that's all, Claudius is defeated, Ophelia is saved, Hamlet is happy, and our hero flies home.
However, Shakespeare has enough other masterpieces. You never know, suddenly the next time someone will fall on Juliet's head?..
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