A terrible one a week ago – Rockstar announced the next transfer of PC version GTA 5. The game will not be released on January 27, but two months later – March 24. IN Rockstar They stated that additional time should be polished and optimized, which was immediately confirmed by published system requirements – more than democratic. However, the gaming community to the transfer reacted somehow like this.
Having seen this, we decided to list the six most high -profile transfers to remind you, through which sometimes we have to go through the games on the way to the release and how many fans have to wait for them. So don't lose heart! Everything could be much worse.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl
Despite the far from the most record development time – when it comes to transfer, most Russian players primarily remember the famous "Zhdalker". Announced the game back in 2001, called Oblivion Lost. At that time, there was no talk of any Chernobyl in the game, it was a rather standard fantastic shooter, which was highlighted, for the most part, only a powerful X- Ray engine. But in 2002, the developers visited the alienation zone and were so imbued with its atmosphere that they decided to redo the entire concept of the game, changing the name on the way to S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Oblivion Lost and setting an exit at the beginning of 2003.
► Even at the earliest screenshots "Stalker" is recognized without difficulty.
Plans were truly Napoleonic. Open world, dynamic change of time of day, a real ecosystem and simulation of life. Naturally, to go out on time, the game was not destined to. First, Stalker was transferred to the third quarter of 2003, and then generally moved the release for the next year. The first transfers did not cause any special indignations-screenshots, videos and details about the game, developers nevertheless issued regularly. However, in the summer of 2004, the release was postponed for the third time, and by the fall there was information that the developers could not curb their own technology, and the exit of the game may be postponed again. The players were worried.
On the forums went whispering that not the largest Ukrainian studio is trying to jump above the head and bring the project to mind they will not be able to at all. Such assumptions began to look even more believable when at the beginning of 2005 the developers announced that the release was really tolerated again. And this time – for an indefinite period.
► Nevertheless, the developers have always been “in touch” and regularly shared with players and the press details of development and new screenshots.
And yet this story turned out to be happy. In 2006, the developers announced that they had coped with most problems and now polish the game to brilliance, planning to release it in early 2007. True, despite all the efforts of the Ukrainian Igrodelov, there were enough bugs in the release version of the game, but the main thing is that one of the most famous domestic long-building still saw the light.
Alan Wake
Announced back in 2005, Alan Wake should have become a real PC flagship as a game platform. Remedy promised to use opportunities with might and main DirectX 10 And in the first trailer showed landscapes of just incredible beauty. And the rest of the game attracted attention – the open world, the plot in the spirit of the novels of Stephen King, extraordinary mechanics, authors of the dilogy Max Payne in developers, in the end. However, in 2006, the game disappeared from the radar and returned only two years later – pretty changed, but all the same mysterious and attractive.
► transfers as such in history Alan Wake , We can say, there were no clear terms of the game’s release, the developers never called.
But the joy of fans was short -lived. In 2009 in Remedy suddenly said that from now on the game is preparing only for Xbox 360 , And the PC release is postponed indefinitely. Needless to say, the community literally exploded? Representatives added oil into the fire Microsoft , Staying that Alan Wake more suitable for playing the couch in front of a large TV and will not appear on PC for sure.
► Despite the statements Microsoft , yourself Remedy never talked about complete cancellation Alan Wake For PC. At the time of the release, in 2010, the studio even had an early build of the PC version.
At the end of 2011, the version for personal computers was still announced. The Internet, meanwhile, was full of bile. Offended players vied with the forums that they did not need such handouts and after two years of waiting for the game they would fundamentally pull off torrents. But, despite loud words, swearing and resentment, PC version Alan Wake completely paid off in just two days.
Gothic 3
While most American players about the role series Piranha bytes they didn’t hear in Russia, in Russia Gothic wears the honorary title of one of the best role -playing games of all time. Therefore, when at the end of 2004, modestly and without unnecessary https://20bet-casino.co.uk/ details, they officially announced the development Gothic 3, The eyes of Russian players rushed to Piranha bytes.
► Given the scale of development, the initial release date – November 2005 – looked implausible.
In August 2005, the expected, but from that no less exciting transfer, the publisher said that the third part of the Gothic series would see the light only next year. The community of fans then significantly stirred up. After all, the way out The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion, Gothic's main competitor, was appointed for November 2005. The confrontation between these two role series and so constantly became the subject of fierce disputes in our area, and here the connoisseurs of the Gothic felt especially offended. How so, adherents TES will receive an object of their adoration earlier! How many "kind" words were said then about "piranha" ..
► Compare screenshots from Gothic 3 And TES 4: Oblivion , Highly proving to each other which game is more beautiful, at that time it was quite popular.
However, in October of the same year Oblivion Also moved to 2006. And this time, “kind” words on the forums were already poured addressed to Bethesda. That's just Oblivion , As promised, in March I already pleased the players on PC and Xbox 360, and about Gothic 3 nothing was heard. She showed herself only on E3 2006, in the form of incredibly buggy and brake demo. Then a new release date was announced – September 2006.
And again the fans were unhappy. True, this time because it was quite obvious: it is simply unrealistic to get such a number of bugs in such a short time, and the transfer of the game, no matter how sad, is needed more large -scale. But under the pressure of the Piranha publishing house, they still released the game on the market in September.
And although Oblivion At the start was not at all perfectly debugged, Gothic clearly overshadowed him – without the first weighty patch, the majority did not even start the game. Patched the game for many years after the release, and amateur patches come to this day.
And it is simply impossible not to recall the main failure in John Romero's career – Daikatana. The shooter of time travel, whose action takes place at once in four temporary eras, breakthrough weapons, a full role -playing system – it sounds impressive even by current standards. Having started developing in the spring of 1997, Romero hoped to release the game next winter. The plan was so far from reality that the first transfer (and the date moved by a year at once) did not surprise anyone for the most.
► The first transfer was influenced not only by the short time of development, but also the fact that most of the allocated studio of money went to advertising Daikatana and gorgeous office finish.
Subsequently, due to the complete lack of control over the development, constant turnover of personnel and attempts to transfer the game to a new engine, Daikatana I survived three more transfers and arrived only to Millennium.
The most loud transfer happened in 1998. It was then that all key employees left the studio, and if earlier the problems in the development of Romero successfully hid, then it was impossible to trim such a mass outcome. But in full force, the flame broke out in January 1999, when journalist Christina Biderman released all the unpleasant details of the development of the game in the Dallas Observer newspaper.
At the same time, the publisher in the person finally joined the case Eidos. Tired of squandering your own money, Eidos set hard control over Ion Storm. And although the development dragged on again, the game eventually at least came out.
► True, I don't want to remember how it turned out.
Prey for the first time announced already in 1995, but the information about the game was disappeared. The main character was planned by an indigenous American who is opposed to aliens, and portals intended in the gaming process. The developers were in no hurry to disclose the final release date, as they were in no hurry and with the development itself. In 1997 and 1998, the game was brought to E3, showing those same portals behind closed doors. The demonstration was accepted positively, but this did not interfere 3D Realms put a cross on the project due to some technical difficulties.
► initially in development Prey John Romero participated. Coincidence?
For the first time, the project was tried to revive in 1998, but soon the game was again postponed for an indefinite period, and in just a year it again fell into a coma. For the second time to revive Prey They took up already in 2001, transferring the game in his hands Human Head Studios And in fact, starting development from scratch. Only the main concept remained from the original and that very idea with portals. Officially nothing announced, but rumors about the beginning of development leaked to the network and became the subject of hot disputes. However, neither Human Head , Neither 3D Realms They did not react to this.
► although the second revival of the game was successful, the development was still delayed. The eternal problem is to blame for everything – changing the engine. This time was chosen ID Tech 4.
Silence was violated only in 2005. Development Prey finally confirmed officially, and the game was even shown on E3. After the announcement, the developers did not skimp on the details, publishing all new screenshots and opening new details. In the spring of 2006, it was announced that Dolgostroy would fall on the shelves in early summer. And this time we were not deceived – the game was released on July 11 and, in addition, was very good, which is very rare for such long -term construction.
Duke Nukem Forever
The most famous long -building in the history of the gaming industry was announced back in 1997 and have since been transferred since then almost every year. The reasons were approximately as in the case of Daikatana – either the new graphic engine, then the new physical, then generally alteration from scratch almost the whole game. At first, the players of Duke's return were still waiting, because Duke Nukem 3D at one time became a real classic. But by the beginning of the zero, all this epic with endless transfers, scandals and all new promises, few took seriously.
► At first, the development was cheerful. In addition to promises, there were details and even screenshots.
The community revived only in 2005, when the developers suddenly demonstrated the updated on E3 Prey. And although about Duke Nukem Forever then not a word sounded, the conversation went about the possible exit of the game.
When in the summer of next year Prey , to universal surprise, fell on the shelves, George Brussard, chapter 3D Realms , I spoke about old Duke again. He stated that the development is in full swing and, although the release is again postponed for an indefinite period, the game will definitely come out. For the first time in many years, many believed him. This transfer became scandalous only after three years when 3D Realms Under the cannonade of court claims, it was simply closed.
► The further the development was, the wider the new screenshots and rare videos looked more terrible.
The next incarnation of the thermonuclear blond happened in 2011, when it would seem that everyone has already forgotten about him. Take-Two , Owning the rights to Duke, instructed to finish the long -suffering development of the studio Gearbox. New developers announced that the game was really almost ready and remained very little, and therefore the release will take place in May of the same year.
Fans divided into two camps. Some argued that new developers can be trusted and they will finally put a point in many years of epic. Others said that the word Forever in the subtitle of the game did not appear by chance, and the game is doomed to eternal transfers, whoever was engaged in it. And in the end of March Randy Pitchford, chapter Gearbox , apologizing, announced the transfer of the release of the game from May to June of the same year. A wave of jokes rose again on the Internet, Duke did it again, they started talking about him again.
The topic was popular until June 10, 2011, when Duke Nukem Forever I took it and appeared on sale after "only" fourteen years of development. About the quality of the game, as in the case of Daikatana , Better to keep silent.
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The development of the game is a laborious and incredibly complex process. It is almost impossible to predict all the pitfalls in advance, and therefore the breakdown of the deadlines in this case often cannot be avoided. This or another project is much more important. If the developer wants to bring him perfectly, it is better to swallow the grudge and wait. Unfinished games that have to be corrected longer than to develop, in the industry, already enough.
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